Dennis Alloy, Washington DC Voice Overs, DC Voice Talent, Dennis Alloy Voice Talent, Voice Overs Washington, Voice actor washington, voice over commercials, voice over narrations, best voice talent, 

Why Me? Bottom line - I can do the job and I am a pleasure to work with.
I am accessible, reliable, flexible, adaptable, and most importantly, directable.

My Voice: American English. Well trained with a neutral accent. An informed intelligent voice, with a smooth relaxing delivery. Sophisticated, can have an almost upper-crust quality, but  also can be straight forward and trustworthy. Casual and very pleasing to listen to, but if you need a stern or hyped up style I can give that to you as well. I take direction easily, and can quickly change approach or interpretation to adapt to the client's needs to their satisfaction.

Auditions and finished product can be produced from my home studio or the studio of your choice. I can make local arrangements for ISDN if needed.

"I love this job. You stand in a padded room and convincingly speak to those you can't see . . . you're not crazy, you're getting paid for it."
  • Corporate Presentations/Narration 
  • Podcasts   
  • Promotions 
  • Public Service Announcements
  • Public Venue Voice Addresses
  • Audio Books 
  • Video Game/Electronics Voices 
  • Radio and Television Narrations
  • Product Demonstration DVD's 
  • Politcal Spots
  • Website Audio
  • E-Learning and Power Point Narrations 
  • On Hold Messages 
  • Radio and Television Commercials 
Providing Voice Overs For All Types of Media
I am here to offer you professional, timely, and affordable services for all your projects
 . . .small, large or somewhere in between.